Holiday Fun In Different Cultures
Christmas celebrations are enjoyed all around the world during the festive season. In this week's blog post, we look at the different holiday traditions that make this time of year so special. Read on for Christmas Traditions From Around The World!
Photos from sources linked below.
1. Giant Lantern Festival, Philippines. The Giant Lantern Festival is held on the Saturday before Christmas eve in San Fernando. Eleven villages take part, bringing all kinds of elaborate lanterns to the festival and making a dazzling show for spectators.
2. Gävle Goat, Sweden. The yule goat has been part of Gävle's Christmas celebrations since 1966. The straw goat is traditionally burnt down by the public and there have been 29 successful destructions since 1966. These days, you can even
track the goat's progress online!
3. Broomsticks, Norway. Christmas Eve in Norway has people hiding their brooms. This tradition dates back centuries to when it was believed witches came out on Christmas Eve looking for brooms to ride.
4. La Befana, in Italy. Speaking of brooms, shortly after Christmas on January 5th, Italian children are visited by La Befana, the Christmas witch. La Befana is a good witch who brings the children gifts! Not only that, but she also sweeps every house she visits.
5. Fried Chicken Christmas Dinner, Japan. Since a successful marketing campaign by Kentucky Fried Chicken in the 1970s, fried chicken has become a mainstay on the Christmas dinner menu in Japan!
6. Cavalcade of Lights, Toronto, Canada. This annual celebration marks the official start of the festive season in Toronto. Dating back to 1967, the Cavalcade of Lights brings 300,000 LED lights to Nathan Phillips Square, dazzling fireworks shows, and outdoor ice skating.
7. The Yule Lads, Iceland. Children in Iceland are visited by 13 troll-like characters before Christmas, one for each night leading up to the big day. The characters bring presents for the children and are known for causing a little mischief!
8. Roller skating, Venezuela. In Caracas, people travel to church for Christmas mass on roller skates! Roads are closed so that they can skate safely through the city. The night before, children tie one end of string to their big toe and hang the other end out of the window, so that passing skaters can give a friendly tug in the morning.
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Fun Christmas Traditions From Around The World
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Church-goers Roller-skate to Christmas Mass in Caracas, Venezuela